Le Tre Stagioni


“Le Tre Stagioni” (“The Three Seasons”) featured a collection of works by George Frideric Handel woven together into a single story. The accompanying orchestra used period instruments such as the harpsichord, transverse flute and baroque era string instruments as well as experimenting with playing techniques from the baroque period, such as tuning instruments at lower pitches, using different bows and special ways of accompaniment to reproduce original performances of famous operas.

Music by George Frideric Handel

Conceived by Andrew Eggert, Michael Rigsby, and Ellen Rosand 

Presented by YBOP on December 5-6, 2009


Stage Director: Andrew Eggert

Music Directors: Grant Herreid and Robert Mealy

Choreographer: Keely Baisden Knudsen

Costume Designer: Elizabeth Bolster

Lighting Designer: William B. Warfel

Production Manager: Kathryn Krier

Technical Director: Brandon Fuller

Stage Manager: Roberta Senatore

Production Assistant: Sam Genecin

Properties Master: Jen McClure


Aminta: Casey Breves

Fillide: Deena Tumeh

Silvio: Jesse Obbink

Dorinda: Lora Chow

Dancer: Nicolas Murphy

Dancer: Christine Poland

Apollo: Brian Mummert

Daphne: Gabriella Tortorello

Lilla: Eliza Bagg

Corsica: Allyson Lieberman

Ninfe: Phyllis Thangaraj

Ninfe: Emma Isabel Vawter

Ninfe: Esther Morgan-Ellis

Nereo: Nathan Calixto

Aci: Lucy Fitz-Gibbon

Galatea: Catherine Leech

Polifemo: David Leigh

Amarilli: Chloe Zale

Giacinto: Stephen Feis

Pastori: Samual Genecin

Pastori: Brandon Levin

Pastori: Patrick Rutan

Clori: Emily Misch